<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" language="java" import="java.sql.*, java.util.Date" errorPage="" %> <%! int accessCount=0; %> Java Programming
<% session.setAttribute("status", ""); int localCount = 0; synchronized(this) { accessCount++; localCount = accessCount; } %>

Java Programming

Effective Presence and Java

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Effective Presence is certified - by Sun Microsystems (the creator of Java) - in its knowledge of, and ability to use the Java programming language V1.4.

Why Java?

Java has gained enormous popularity since it first appeared. Its rapid ascension and wide acceptance can be traced to its design and programming features, particularly in its promise that you can write a program once, and run it anywhere. Java was chosen as the programming language for network computers (NC) and has been perceived as a universal front end for the enterprise database. As stated in the Java language white paper by Sun Microsystems: "Java is a simple, object-oriented, distributed, interpreted, robust, secure, architecture neutral, portable, multithreaded, and dynamic (language)."

Phew! Basically, it's a good investment in the technological infrastucture of your business. Whether it be a large enterprise and you seek economies of scale by rationalising and choosing one language to suit all platforms - from desktop to web, or a small business seeking to choose a technology which allows your IT systems to grow with the business.

Write once, run anywhere

Encapsulate your business logic in Java classes and you can use and re-use them anywhere: on any desktop which supports the Java platform, on most servers - even on the web! The page you are reading is a Java Server Page, into which Java classes can be integrated.

You may have to pay your hosting provider a little more to support the Java platform, but what's that when you take into account the savinges to be made? Use the same skilled personnel to develop and maintain your desktop, server and web applications. Then re-use the classes they develop.