How visible are sites built by Effective Presence?
We built a site for local hair salon, Barbaros recently. You can see how easy to find Barbaros on Google.
We specialise in Organic Search Engine Optimisation(SEO). Therefore, all work Effective Presence does is done with search engine visibility in mind.
Commissioned by
Stress Management specialist, Real Lifeworks,
to optimise its site for search.
Real Life Works now features prominently for searches on many of its complementary therapies including Egyptian Cartouche, London. In addition, with the growing importance of local search, it is critically important for business growth that local searches like Aromatherapy Massage SE23.
The Pshychic Gateway was not indexed by Google until consulting Effective Presence.
Work has begun to optimise the site of specialist
Reflexologist, High House Health & Beauty.
A variety of
relaxing, stress-relieving therapies
is offered.
The site of The Rona Gallery was redeveloped and
converted from a frames-based site to standards-compliant
XHTML and CSS technology.
Recent SEO work done for the gallery was to ensure that its site featured
when searching for its (then)
currnet exhibition by Michael Kidd.
Rebuilt the site of London Stained Glass specialist Gordon Chilvers, which was not visible to - or indexed by - Google. Gordon's site is now indxed and visible when you search for stained glass design sout London and when search for Gordon by name.