Graduated in 1983 with nine honours in my Leaving Certificate (A level)
Graduated in 1987 with a B.A. (mod) in computer science.
Logica 1988 - 1995
Appointed Analyst/Programmer in Logica Communications and Electronic Systems in February 1988. Worked in Logica's government group on assignments for H.M. Customs and Excise and other government departments. Progressed to the level of project manager.
Bank of America NT & SA 1995 - 1997
Appointed Analyst/Programmer to the IT section of Global Capital Markets Group (GCMG). Assigned, by the head of GCMG, to evaluate risk management software. Progressed to project manager and managed the implementation of a risk management system for GCMG.
Appointed a manager in the capital markets group of DrKW in December 1997, working in the area of risk management. Leveraging the experience gained at Bank of America, managed the in-house development of a global risk management system. Though the target users were in-house, I chose to use technology I knew to be suitable for use on the web. The system was installed, unchanged, on the bank's web site.
Effective Presence offers web design services to its clients. These services include turnkey site building and maintenance, Java Programming and search engine optimisation.